Tuesday, July 7, 2015

I have been putting off starting this blog for about a year now.  Maybe it has something to do with sharing my thoughts and no one caring.  Honestly, I think it has to do more with my struggle in finding my voice.  My original blog was about anything and everything.  It was all over the place!

I did not have a voice.

I was only blogging because I want to be a writer, so I thought I had to.  This blog is going to more focused.  I have found my voice and I want to share it with others.

Someone needs to hear what I have to say!

I doubted that idea of that for a really long time.  I believe it in now, because... for the last year I have be working on my personal development and have learned more than I thought possible.  A major lesson was that I have become comfortable in my life, too comfortable.  Being comfortable is not a bad thing, however, I had stopped working toward my goals.  It was easier not to.  I was no longer willing to be uncomfortable to obtain what I wanted.

I even started ignoring inspiration.

The kind of inspiration where that little voice inside your head gives you guidance or suggests something to you that seems insignificant, but really can have a large impact.  We have all heard it at some point in our lives, and we have all ignored it one or twice
(okay-okay we all ignore it a lot).

The little voice inside my head has always been a huge part of my life and I have lost it.  I have become too afraid to act upon the promptings and the voice is becoming harder and harder to hear because I have ignored it for so long.

This blog will be the chronicles of my journey to not only listening to the little voice inside my head, but taking the necessary action.  It is my hope that sharing this adventure with you, will prove helpful to your personal life.  That you too will understand, the little voice inside your head is smarter than you and will teach you more than anyone else, and that taking action from inspiration will take you farther in life that you can take yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Amy, I have found that listening to (and heeding) that still, small voice is very liberating. I have learned how very much the Lord loves me, and everyone else, as He allows me to be an instrument in His hands to bless His other children which, in turn, blesses my life. I love you!
